Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

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I bet when you think of essential oils, Lavender is the first essential oil that pops in your head. It is by far the most popular essential oil.

Do you know how to use lavender? There are many different ways you can use lavender. I will explain 10 uses for Lavender Essential Oil that you may or may not know about.

10 Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

Photo Credit: Gamzova Olga | Shutterstock

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Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

When I talk about lavender essential oil, I am referring to a therapeutic-grade lavender oil.

Please make sure that you are using a therapeutic-grade oil if you plan to use the oil for any of these uses.


Lavender is mainly known for its calming and relaxing abilities. Being able to smell the aroma is enough to help you relax.

Simply place a few drops on your hands and rub them together. Cup your hands and inhale the aroma deeply to help you relax.

Another way you can do this is by diffusing the lavender. Need help cleaning your diffuser?

Relieving Tension

Using lavender in the bath while you soak will help relieve tension in your body. You can also apply it to the back of your neck and temples.


Applying lavender to the bottoms of your feet or pillow will help you get a restful night’s sleep.

Also, diffusing lavender in your room at night will also help.

I use a rollerball bottle to apply lavender to my feet at night. I put 5 drops of lavender in the bottle and fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil.

I also always use amber-colored glass bottles. This will help protect the oils from the sun and light.

IMPORTANT: When applying any essential oil to the skin, if you prefer to dilute, always use a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil. Never mix with water to apply to the skin.

If you are using this for a child, always dilute! I made one for my son and it only has 2-3 drops of lavender oil and the rest is filled with fractionated coconut oil.


Applying lavender to you rash will help with irritations. You can also add lavender to a bath and it would help soothe a rash that way.

Eliminate Odors

Add lavender oil to water in a spray bottle and spray your carpets, car, mattress, and furniture to help eliminate odors.

Make sure you shake the bottle well before using since oil and water will separate when it sits.

Bug Bites

Apply lavender to help soothe itchy bug bites. I have personally done this and it did help calm the irritation.


Add to recipes to help soften citrus flavors and add a twist to your favorite recipes.

Toilet Fizzies

I add lavender when I make toilet fizzies to clean the toilet.

Bath Salts

When making your own bath salts, lavender is a common essential oil to use.

Fabric Freshener

If you are like me and use wool dryer balls, you can place a few drops of lavender on the dryer balls. Make sure the oil has dried before tossing them back into the dryer.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  1. I need to try many uses (and it smells nice too!)

  2. Kristen Kelly says:

    Lavender is definitely on my list of essential oils to try! So many great uses, many of which I could definitely benefit from. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great list of uses for lavender. I have tried some of those suggested – pinned so I have the list to try the others. I recently made a bug repel spray this summer using essential oils and it does work. Love using essential oils for everyday things.

  4. I had no idea there were so many uses for lavender aside from the soothing and relaxing benefits. It is one of my favourite scents. I recently made a wreath using dried lavender and the aroma greets me every day I come home. It’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing all these great tips on #HomeMattersParty.

  5. I love lavender. I keep a bottle with me for when life gets a little stressful on the go. Thanks for the ideas!

  6. I add it to my bath water after I have spend the whole day on my feet, with a little epsom salt. It helps me sleep and my muscles to rest too. Thank you for linking up to Tips and Tricks. Hope to see you again this week.

  7. Heather Hennessee says:

    I love lavender. I had know idea it has so many uses. Thanks for sharing!

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