Easy Recipes For Dinner: Lasagna

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My family loves my lasagna, but doesn’t realize that it is one of the easiest recipes that I make! I’ve always been a fan of lasagna, but it wasn’t until I was in college that I came across the simple way to make it, courtesy of my best friend’s mom. It is delicious, simple and doesn’t cost a lot. If you are looking for easy recipes for dinner, this is one of the best!

Photo Credit @DepositPhotos/StephanieFrey

I usually serve this dish with a side salad and garlic bread. It makes 9-12 servings (depending on how big of a serving you like!)


  • Lasagna Noodles, 1 box
  • Hamburger, 1 pound
  • Spaghetti Sauce, 1 jar
  • Cottage Cheese, 1 container
  • Shredded Mozzarella Cheese, 1 bag
  • Mushrooms and Parmesan Cheese (optional)


Step 1:  In medium skillet, brown hamburger and drain.

Step 2:  Place hamburger back in skillet and mix in the spaghetti sauce, cottage cheese, mushrooms (optional) and 1/2 the bag of mozzarella cheese. Note: Be sure to use a spaghetti sauce that is thicker. I don’t like my lasagna runny and some of the thinner sauces will create runny lasagna. Place this mixture on medium heat with a lid over it to prevent splattering. No one likes to clean spaghetti sauce off the stove.

Step 3:  While your meat mixture is cooking, boil your lasagna noodles. I always make 10 noodles just in case one rips in half while I bring it out of the water. Cook the noodles until they are finished. I usually pour a bit of cold water into the pot once they are cooked so that I can handle them easier and also so they don’t stick together and tear.

Step 4:  Using a 9×13 inch pan, Spoon one layer of the meat mixture on the bottom. This is so the noodles don’t burn on the bottom in the oven. Then lay 3 noodles on top. Please be careful to use caution when handling the noodles as they still may be hot. Spread a second layer of the meat mixture on top of the noodles, and continue rotating the meat mixture and 3 noodles until you have run out of both. I make sure that I end with a layer of meat mixture so that my noodles don’t get burnt and crunchy in the stove by being right on top.

Step 5:  Use the 1/2 bag of mozarella cheese that you have left and sprinkle on the top. This is also the point that you can add some parmesan cheese if you wish.

Step 6:  Bake uncovered for approximately 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees in your oven. This is mainly to melt the cheese on top since everything is already cooked in the lasagna. Once the cheese is melted to your desired consistency, remove from stove and allow to cool a bit before serving.


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