Tips For Taking Your Own Newborn Photos

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When my first child was born, I took all of his photos. The only photos we had professionally done was when he turn one and we had family pictures taken. Now that our second child is due anytime, we are still on a tight budget. No room to have professional pictures taken.  I plan on taking this little guy’s photos myself as well. I wanted to be able to share some of my tips with you so that you may also be able to take your own photos.

Tips for Taking Newborn Photos

Tips for taking Newborn Photos

  • Use Natural Lighting – Natural lighting always takes the best pictures. Take pictures by a large window, patio door, or in a sunroom to get the most light.
  • Use Indirect Lighting – Natural light is great but you don’t want glaring pictures with major shadows. Wait till the lighting isn’t directly shinning on your newborn. Using natural indirect light will take away the need for using the flash on camera. The flash will create unwanted shadows.
  • Background – Hang a blanket for a backdrop to help block out unwanted backgrounds. It doesn’t have to be a large backdrop since you are focusing on a small newborn.
  • Props/Positioning – You may think about using pillows, a boppy, baskets, blankets, and other items. If you do use these items, just make sure your baby is safe. When it comes to positioning, place your newborn how you would like the photo taken. Hold them in that position until they relax.
  • Warmth – Make sure your newborn is warm. It will help him/her to sleep and allow you to work on positioning. Use a space heater to keep the area warm and use blankets.
  • Timing – Make sure that your little one is fed and it’s nap time. Take your photos within the first two weeks after they are born. They sleep more soundly and are easier to work with. Also, after two weeks, the possibility of baby acne pops up.
  • Stay Calm and Have Patience – Babies can feel what you feel. Stay calm and don’t be in a rush. Enjoy this time with your baby.

I can’t wait till my little guy has made his way into this world. It will be so much fun to take pictures again.

Do you take your own photos? Feel free to share any tips you may have.


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