Handmade Christmas Tree Ornaments – A Simple Tutorial

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Handmade Christmas Tree Ornament

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Creating handmade Christmas tree ornaments doesn’t have to be a difficult task. I created this elegant Winter Wonderland ornament in 5 minutes and the whole project cost me less than $5.


Supplies for Handmade Tree Ornament


Remove the top to the ornament and set aside. Place funnel inside the ornament and pour the snow flakes into the bottom. Tap ornament on a hard surface to get flakes to funnel through and settle at the bottom.

Funnel Snow Flakes Into Ornament

Place small tree into the ornament using tweezers. Depending on the particular tree you use, you may have to remove the bottom piece of the tree first. I set the tree into the snowflakes using tweezers and mine set perfectly. If you have little hands around that lik to play with your ornaments, you might try securing your tree to the bottom of the ornament using a drop of hot glue. I didn’t secure mine and decided I was going to hang it higher on the tree so that it was out of reach. Replace the top when top of the ornament when finished.

Christmas Tree Ornament

If you have enjoyed this tutorial, please check out my Crochet Christmas Tree Ornament for additional handmade Christmas decorating ideas!

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