Baby Shower Gift Ideas: 5 Items That Helped Me As A New Mom

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I think back to when we brought our little bundle of joy into this world, which coincidentally is almost exactly three years ago! Time sure flies when you are raising children!

At my baby shower, I received several helpful gifts from friends but also forgot about many things that we would need when we arrived back home. This list will hopefully help you if you are a friend or family member deciding what to purchase for the new baby, or if you are a new mom looking to not forget essential items like I did.

5 Baby Shower Gift Ideas

1. Socks

When it came time to bring my daughter home from the hospital, I realized that we only had one pair of baby socks! Since she was born in the heat of late August, it was something that everyone had overlooked.

2. Skin Care

Our daughter was born with a full head of dark hair, which also meant that we had to watch for cradle cap. She also developed a bit of eczema on her belly and had the dreaded “baby acne” for a while. Having a great skincare set is essential for a new parent.

3.  A comfortable outfit to bring baby home in

We received so many “cute” outfits to bring her home in but shortly realized that what we needed most was something basic, comfortable to her, and easy to change her into.

4.  A way to change diapers on the go

Once the baby is old enough to begin visiting others, it’s essential to have something functional to bring with you to lay them on for a quick diaper change. Many places you may take baby won’t be very child-friendly, and it helps to have that extra layer of protection between your new baby and any surface you may have to lay them on.

5.  Gift Cards

Gift givers may not realize just how helpful having gift cards are with a newborn. This allows the parents to be able to afford additional items that they need, but didn’t think of grabbing before the baby was born!

One Comment

  1. Sarah Louise says:

    Gift cards are great since you learn as you go what you and your baby like!

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