Mom’s Meatloaf

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Meatloaf: one of those meals you either love or hate. Once upon a time when I didn’t like meatloaf, my mom always made me try it, so I’d cover it in ketchup just to choke it down. Then I grew up and decided I actually like meatloaf. I was looking for something different to make for supper last night when my husband suggested meatloaf. I said sure but I have to learn to make it. So I called my mom.

Now here is where the story gets good. I asked my mom if she could read me the recipe so I could write it down. Her response, “There is no recipe.” Oh great is all I could think.  A little of this, a handful of that. I decided to go for it. Here’s the recipe:


  • 1 lb raw hamburger
  • Some onion – chopped or powdered (Translation: 1/3 cup chopped or 2 tsp powdered)
  • 1 egg
  • Handful of oatmeal, cracker, or bread crumbs (Translation: approximately 1/2 cup)
  • Several squirts of ketchup (Translation: approximately 1/2 cup)
  • Pinch of salt and pepper


Mix all ingredients together in large bowl.  The mixture should stick together nicely but not be too runny. If it seems runny, add more oatmeal, bread, or cracker crumbs. Press mixture into a glass loaf pan. Bake in oven for one hour at 350 degrees.

Serving tip: It works well to cut the meatloaf in half and serve on a plate. This way any grease from the hamburger will stay in the dish and not end up on your plate.

Side dishes that go nicely with meatloaf include biscuits, mashed potatoes, and creamed corn.

All in all, my first run at meatloaf with a kind of, sort of recipe turned out great. My cracker crumbs were a little large but otherwise turned out quite well. My husband really liked it and wants me to make it again. If you try this recipe, please share your experiences. I’d love to hear how it turns out for you.

One Comment

  1. Oh I hated meatloaf when I was a kid! I make it so many different ways now and really like it…I like mine now with mashed potatoes; corn and peas.
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