My First Roast

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Yes, this is the first time I have made a roast. I always knew when my mom made a roast, the longer it cooked, the better it tasted. I called my mom to ask exactly what to do. As always, she gave me several wishy-washy answers since she doesn’t have a certain recipe. I semi-followed what she told me and threw in a little of my own flair. Once it was all said and done, the roast was really tender and my husband said I could make it again. Success! Now try it yourself.

Beef Arm Roast


  • Beef Arm Roast (Any cut of roast may be used but arm is usually one of the most tender. I used arm roast from the beef we recently butchered so it was quite fresh.)
  • 1 lb. Carrots (You can use baby carrots, whole carrots cut up, or canned carrots.)
  • 1.5 Potatoes per Person (If cooking for 4 people, use 6 potatoes.)
  • 1 pkg Onion Soup Mix
  • 1/3 cup Water


Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Place thawed roast in stone or metal dish with lid. (I used the Pampered Chef Deep Dish Baker which worked wonderfully.) Heat the water in the microwave for 2 minutes. Mix in the dry onion soup mix. Add raw carrots and potatoes to the dish then pour mixture over the meat, carrots, and potatoes. (If using canned carrots or potatoes, do not add to dish until 4 hours into the cooking process.) Place covered dish in the oven and bake for 5 hours.

Try making this recipe your own by adding additional spices or vegetables like onions and celery. You can also modify the cooking process by using a crock pot. If using a crock pot, you will need to experiment with temperature and time but I would recommend 8-9 hours on a low setting. Please try out the recipe and comment here with what you do to make it your own.


  1. Wow, this roast looks incredible! Congratulations on getting it right the first time! :)

    I add a tablespoon of brown sugar to mine as it cooks…it tends to give the beef a bit of a glaze-y feel, which my family adores. And sometimes I add a few pearl onions, if I can find them! :)

  2. That looks really good Julie. I have a roast in the oven right now that came marinated with garlic and herbs. My house smells so delicious right now! Ihope it takes as good.

  3. Marla McGowan says:

    Julie: I lost my mom back in 2001, but she loved to cook. Over the years I have grown into the cook & recipe collector she was too. The one thing you and I have in common is that my mom would always give me a very vague recipe because she really didn’t measure either. But, with that being said, there was one recipe she wrote word-for-word, so that that I would be able to make a roast just like hers! I am glad I have the recipe to remember her writing and cooking; and I thought that I would share it with you since it is very similar to yours. Here is my mom’s recipe…

    Jan’s Pot Roast:
    1 Roast
    1 bag of carrots; washed
    3-5 potatoes; diced
    1 pkg. of whole mushrooms; washed clean (do not cut up)
    1 packet of “Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix”
    1 Cup Water
    1 Pkg. McCormick’s Brown Gravy Mix
    1 Can “Campell’s Cream of Mushroom ”

    In the morning, you will put in the crockpot 1 pkg. Lipton Soup Mix, 1 C. Water, and 1pkg. McCormick’s Brown Gravy Mix. Stir it all together and then put the Pot Roast in the crock pot and leave to cook on low until around 2pm. Then add the cleaned mushrooms & carrots all around the sides of the roast. Continue to cook on low until dinner time around 4:30-5:30pm. Take roast, potatoes, & carrots out of the crockpot and put in tray to serve. Leave rest of mixture in crockpot and add 1 Can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup, and mix to make gravy for roast. And that is it!

    This makes an exceptional roast, adds a little bit more flavor, and sounds just like what your mom loves to cook. I am glad I could share with you, what you shared with us…both through our moms! What great resources our moms are, and if I could tell my mom that I shared her recipe…she probably would smile and be happy that her cooking could bring happiness to someone else once again. Blessings to you and your family, and may you have an outstanding rest of the year! Blessings, -M. McGowan

    This recipe is outstanding because it makes its own gravy if you want to make it.
    (OPTIONAL: 1 Can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom)

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