Ooey Gooey Butter Cake

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St. Louis is not only known for the “St. Louis Cardinals” and the “Arch,” we are also known for some of our “Unique” food favorites such as Toasted Ravioli, Fettuccine Alfredo, Bar-B-Q Pork Steaks, Ted Drewes Frozen Custard and Concretes



Gooey Butter Cake

NOTE: This is for dessert lovers and NOT dieters!! It has also been my son’s requested “Birthday Cake” since he could pronounce it and I have used it to “celebrate” getting a drivers license, good test grades. job well done, and any other time I wanted someone to feel a little extra special. It’s not hard to make — it just tastes that way and I LOVE simple recipes that taste good!! The less time I can spend in the kitchen and keep everyone happy, is more time I can be spending doing something else (like enjoying my grandkids!)


  • 1 box of yellow cake mix
  • 4 eggs divided
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) of butter (I said it wasn’t for dieters!!)
  • 1 pound box powered sugar + 1/2 cup for garnish
  • 8 ozs. cream cheese (softened)
  • 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease the bottom of a 9×13 aluminum pan. (I buy the cake pans with lids from the grocery store so that it stores well and can transported easily)

Melt 1 stick of butter in medium size bowl, add the cake mix and the 2 eggs. Mix together thoroughly and press into the bottom of the pan, making sure to press up a little onto the sides. (it’s almost like making a huge cookie!)

Now the fun part!!

In a medium sized bowl (I wash and use the same one…why dirty up more dishes?) melt 1 stick of butter, the entire box of powered sugar, 2 eggs, cream cheese, and 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Beat until smooth and don’t forget to scrape the sides of the bowl occasionally.

Spread the filling over the cake base and pop in oven. Bake until set, which is usually 30-35 minutes. Cake will may have “some” movement in the center when you take it out — that’s ok. It’s still set.

Let cool completely and sprinkle the top with the reserved 1/2 cup of powered sugar. I like to refrigerate mine and eat cold — my son can’t wait that long. It’s great both ways!

At my son’s request, I have also made a chocolate version, a peanut butter version,  and you guessed it — a peanut butter/chocolate version. They are all decadent!!

There are no left overs.

This is a recipe submitted by Linda of Missouri. Linda is a retired mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother (a young great-grandmother I might add). We thank her so much for another great recipe!


  1. Sounds DELICIOUS!!!

    <3, New Follower

  2. Oh, a few years ago a co-worker of mine visited St. Louis and brought a butter cake back with her–I had never heard of it before that, but it was SO good. I would love to try a PB and chocolate version!

  3. YUM YUM YUM! I’m in St. Louis and I know the gooey butter cake oh so well! ;-)

  4. saph @ frugal wife blog says:

    What? No picture?? :(

    1. I know! This was a guest post, but I will take a picture next time I make it! :)

  5. Passive Income says:

    OMG I’m from St. Louis but moved to Cali and I can’t get Gooey Butter Cake ANYWHERE! It’s so sad… guess I’ll have to make my own. Thanks for the recipe!

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