Mini Apple Pies

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apple pie

I had some apple pie filling left over from my Apple Pie Bites that I made this weekend, so I figured I would try to make a different crust recipe and use the rest of it to make mini apple pies. I used my mini muffin tin for these because it was the perfect size for bite-size pies.

Mini Apple Pies


  • 2 1/2 cups Flour
  • 1 cup Butter
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 4 Tbsp Ice Water

Combine sugar and flour in a large mixing bowl. Add butter and stir in using fork or your hand. Can you tell I like to use my hands to mix dough? :) Add ice water to mixture as you stir 1 Tbsp in at a time until your dough feels like it is a good consistency. I have found that in our humidity, 4 Tbsp works for me, but you may have to use between 6 and 8. Allow the dough to sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.


  • 1 can Apple Pie Filing

Yes, I cheated and didn’t make my own filling. For the small amount that I made, I often find it cheaper to purchase the filling ready-made.


1.  Remove dough from the fridge and roll it out. I sprinkle flour on my counter during this process so the dough doesn’t stick to my countertop.

2.  Using a glass cup, cut circles into your dough. The cups I used were a standard size and the circles fit perfectly into my mini muffin tin.

3.  Grease the mini muffin tin with butter.

4.  Put the dough into the holes in the mini muffin tin. Pinch the excess around the top with your fingers to make the decorative design.

5.  Fill the holes 1/2 full using the apple pie filing. As the pies bake, the filling will grow.

6.  If you choose to, you can add a lattice or top to your mini pies.

7.  Brush tops of pies with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

8.  Bake at 450 degrees for 20-30 minutes (or until crust is brown and flaky on top).

mini apple pies

I hope you enjoy your mini apple pies and much as we did!


  1. Those are incredibly cute – and probably delicious too! The perfect sized dessert for my young son. Thanks for sharing!

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