10 Tips for Making Life Easier & More Efficient While on the Go

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I  wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

I’m not sure about you, but it seems that our household is on fast-forward sometimes. At multiple times during the day we are in and out of the house making our front door appear to be revolving. I am often asked how we do it. Because my husband and I both work from home, we might decide on a whim just to take a weeks vacation. While this is a nice luxury, it also makes it very hard to prepare for! Thanks to Social Moms and Seattle’s Best Coffee, I’ve put  together the following 10 tips for making life easier and more efficient while you are on the go!

1. There’s an app for that! You’d better believe that I use my Facebook, Twitter and WordPress apps to still work while on the go! I would be lost without them!

2. Maintain a schedule. If you know what you need to do, you can efficiently move things around at the last minute and still not forget to pick up the milk!

3. Always keep the diaper bag packed. This is something I do just in case of bad weather or if we have to leave the house quickly. I always have 4-5 diapers, wipes, diaper cream, an extra change of clothes, suntan lotion, bath wash, a changing pad, sippy cup, snack pack and a thermometer packed in our bag.

4. Map out your destination. If you have to make multiple stops, do them all in a row rather than driving around back and forth.

5. Same rules follow at the grocery store!!! Unlike my husband, I prefer to shop from the back of the store to the front so I don’t have to backtrack and spend more time looking for the items I need. Hint: Many stores have maps of their aisles online!

6. Delegate. Things will get done much faster and more efficiently with delegation. Have your husband  and children do different tasks to help you get ready. It creates family teamwork and gives a little responsibility to your kids, making them feel important.

7. Automation. Set up your accounts so you can pay your bills online, set your DVR to record that show you are going to miss, automation can make our lives much easier if we use it to our advantage.

8. Consistency. If you always keep your house tidy, when it comes time to leave it for a week you won’t have to prepare much!

9. Keep what you think you will need in an emergency in your purse. My friends make fun of me because I win at bridal showers when the purse game is played! I always keep important things such as a small first aid kit, nail clippers and a small pack of toothpicks in my purse. You never know when you might need something and it helps to be prepared.

10. Plan your trips around heavy traffic schedules. No one wants to start out their vacation stuck in rush hour! Leave your home during times that you can be sure to get through traffic safely and you will end up saving yourself a lot of time… and gas!

Making just a few adjustments can really help make your life much easier and your time much more efficient while on the go. The more time that you save yourself, the more time you will have to enjoy that iced latte on the beach or at the park with your family! What are some of your favorite time-saving tips?